At KLS we are as strong socially as we are spiritually and there’s always something going on for our members, whether they’re three or ninety three. We’ve got numerous social groups which meet regularly and have lots of fun, and enjoyable communal events are organised throughout the year.
To see what upcoming events we have organised please visit our Events Calendar.
Our regular events
These may include all or many of:
- Our New Year’s Eve party
- Chanukah pantomime
- Classical concerts
- Barn dance
- The annual rabbi’s team v chairman’s team rounders match
- Summer picnic ramble
- Members’ art and craft exhibition
- Quiz night
- Charity bring and buy sale.
Members can, and do, set up social groups for anything from bridge to cycling and as such we have various groups who meet regularly. If there are any activities you feel are missing and would like to see, you can be sure to find encouragement and enthusiasm from other members. For more details of any of our groups please email the office.
Our choir meets fortnightly to rehearse and expand its repertoire under the guidance of our Director of Music. The choir sings at our monthly Friday night music service and other main services and festivals. They are always happy to welcome new members and, don’t be shy, they value enthusiasm as much as talent!
We have an active and well attended Doroteinu Group which meets once a month and also offers social events, trips and discussions. Doroteinu is Hebrew for ‘our generations’ and the group is open to both the more senior members of KLS and to all adult members.
Our ‘Keeping in Touch’ committee is there to help in any way it can with members who are ill, housebound or have other difficulties. They make hospital and home visits, and also hold social events such as tea parties. They also make sure that good news, such as the arrival of new babies and grandchildren, is shared with the rest of the congregation.
Tots services and meetings happen alongside our family services, for the youngest members of the congregation and their parents – a chance for parents to meet and catch up over a coffee. For more information please email Shabbattots.
Table tennis
Our table-tennis enthusiasts meet regularly on week nights at the synagogue; we currently have a thriving group.
We have an exciting youth club for children aged 7 to 16 (school years 3 to 11). It meets monthly at KLS for a range of activities from craft to sports. There are also many inter-synagogue activities run by LJY-Netzer throughout the year. See the Calendar for club meeting dates.