We have a thriving social calendar throughout the year

Our calendar offers something for all ages and interests. We love spending time together as a community, cementing our relationships and enjoying each others' company. We are also actively involved in the local community and with other faith groups and undertake a variety of social action projects.

We love socialising and meeting new people!

These are some of our activities:

  • Sporting activities - table tennis, a popular annual Rounders match where Team Rabbi competes with "Team Chair" for the trophy, summer country walks
  • Our famous Quiz
  • Our book club, Bookcrashers meets monthly to talk about the latest read
  • Regular series' of film-screenings
  • Talent shows and music concerts
  • A choir, led by a professional choir director, rehearses monthly
  • Day-trips to galleries, exhibitions, concerts
  • Weekend trips
  • Monthly senior coffee meetings in a local cafe, where tea, coffee and much cake is consumed. Opportunity to chat and share news.  Often attended by Rabbi René
  • Monthly Memory Way cafes - specifically for people living with dementia, together with their family carer to socialise and share experiences in an informal, relaxed setting.  At each café an interesting speaker or activity is on offer for everyone to enjoy.

We have a thriving Israel Group

As a community we are committed to supporting the State of Israel and its citizens to create a society true to the vision of its founders: to develop the Land for the benefit of all its inhabitants, and to implement the prophetic ideals of liberty and justice.  Our Israel Group meets regularly and runs social and information events relating to all aspects of Israeli culture - film, music and - of course - food!   Members of our group are involved in Arzenu and the World Union of Progressive Judaism, and they have strong contacts with the Israeli Reform movement.

We are involved in a number of social action projects

We engage closely with the local community and other faith groups on a variety of social action projects.  For example:

  • We have collected coats on behalf of the annual wrap-up london appeal from members of the local community and transport them onto the drop-off point.
  • We have collected contributions to the local food back and night shelter.
  • We participate in the annual Mitzvah Day activities - and plenty more!

We are always delighted to welcome guests to any of our events - please do let us know if you'd like attend.

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