Donations and Legacy Giving


You can make a donation to KLS using any of the methods below.

Bank transfer
Pay direct via internet/telephone.
Account name: Kingston Liberal Synagogue 
Bank: CAF Bank Ltd.
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00013775
Reference: Your surname and DONATE

Post a cheque (payable to KLS) to the synagogue office (KLS, Rushett Road, Long Ditton, Surrey KT7 0UX) with a covering note that includes your name.

Gift Aid

Please email the office ( to let us know you have made a donation and also to make a Gift Aid declaration that will boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate (if you are eligible).

You can make a Gift Aid declaration by completing the highlighted sections, copying and pasting the following wording into an email to the office:
I, [Your first name and surname: ], whose home address is:



confirm that:

I would like Kingston Liberal Synagogue - Registered Charity No 270792 to reclaim the tax on this and any other eligible donations or membership subscriptions that I may make in the future or have made in the past 4 years. I understand that I need to pay enough Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax in each tax year to cover the Gift Aid claimed on all my donations otherwise it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.


Please let us know if you change your name or home address.

To maximise your tax giving, your Gift Aid declaration will be automatically backdated 4 years as permittedby the Gift Aid Scheme. If you have begun paying taxes more recently or would prefer not to backdate thedeclaration for any other reason, please email in the first instance.
Please let us know if you no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.

You may cancel your declaration at any time by notifying us.

Higher-rate taxpayers may claim further tax relief on donations made under the Gift Aid Scheme.

Corporate donations and those made from Charitable Trusts or Foundations are not eligible for Gift Aid.

Legacy Giving to Kingston Liberal Synagogue

Thank you for wanting to leave a legacy to us. Your generosity will help KLS to continue to build a thriving Liberal Jewish community.

There are two separate options:
1. Codicil for people with an existing Will
2. Model wording for people making a new Will.
These can be downloaded together with instructions here:

If you already have a Will, then you can complete the Codicil yourself by filling in the yellow highlighted blanks in the document below and printing the final document. You should then sign it carefully following the instructions.
If you are making a Will, then include the model clause in your Will or give it to your solicitor to insert in the Will s/he is drafting for you.

For further information please write to:

The Legacy Officer at Kingston Liberal Synagogue
Rushett Road, Long Ditton, Surrey KT17 0UX