Lifecycle Events

Community is the essence of KLS and there is nothing better we like doing than celebrating together the special events in the life of our members.


We love to welcome babies into our community with a baby blessing. For information about brit milah (male circumcision), please see One of our members, Tom Rosenbaum, is also a Mohel (ritual circumciser) and can be contacted here:

Mobile 07711 956 182


Bar/Bat Mitzvah

This rite-of-passage for boys and girls reaching their 13th birthday old is a big celebration and at KLS they take a major participatory role in a Shabbat service. Read about our B’nei Mitzvah programme here.  We also celebrate the occasional adult bar/bat mitzvah.

Kabbalat Torah

This is a wonderful creative service put together by the class of students on graduation from Beiteinu, marking the conclusion of the Kabbalat Torah Programme


Rabbi René is delighted to work with couples (whether lesbian, gay or straight) to create your perfect wedding ceremony. We are registered under English Law to perform marriages between two Jews (after becoming members of KLS) either at our synagogue or at a venue of your choice. And for mixed faith couples, Rabbi René will construct with you a beautiful blessing to follow a civil marriage.

Birthdays and wedding anniversaries

During services, we celebrate significant moments in our members’ lives such as birthdays and wedding anniversaries.

New homes

We enjoy celebrating when members moving into their first or a new home with a special mezuzah-fixing ceremony.


The community warmly welcomes into our KLS family anyone who has recently become Jewish with a short Admittance Ceremony, usually as part of a Shabbat service.


We offer traditional burial or cremation through our Funeral Insurance Scheme.
A private section of the Long Ditton cemetery, in Rectory Lane, close to the synagogue, is maintained as a Jewish cemetery, in which KLS members are eligible for a burial or cremation plot.

Rabbi René provides pastoral support and advice to the member and the member’s family, and together with the KLS administrator provides ongoing advice and assistance.
KLS provides a service leader, if the family wishes, for funeral prayers, for burial, for Shiva prayers, for a later stone setting.

If the deceased was not a member of our Funeral Scheme, please contact the KLS administrator to arrange a non-member funeral.

Commemorating past lives

We keep a list of yahrzeits for reading before Kaddish at services on the Shabbat falling closest to the annual anniversary of a loved one’s death. Members can also buy a leaf in memory of anyone whether or not they were a KLS member, Jewish or not. The leaf, engraved with the loved one’s name, is then placed on our Tree of Life installation in the sanctuary.  To purchase a leaf please complete our booking form.