Bar and Bat Mitzvah

Preparing for a Bar / Bat Mitzvah with KLS is a really special experience and brings a wealth of benefits to
all those who experience it


Bar and Bat Mitzvah preparation at KLS is a special experience. Students study together as a peer group in their religion school classes and provide each other with support and encouragement, creating a really caring atmosphere.

As a group they attend talks by outside speakers from both Jewish and non-Jewish organisations and participate in family services, practising their Torah blessings and other prayers. Each student also receives individual rabbinic support, providing them with spiritual time as well as practical help. Every student succeeds in leading the Shabbat service on their Bar or Bat mitzvah, including those who have joined the synagogue with little or no Hebrew knowledge.

Preparing for a Bar or Bat Mitzvah brings many benefits beyond the religious significance.  Preparing to lead a service and read from the scroll greatly increases a young person's confidence and communication skills which are vital life skills.
