Latest Past Events

Evening Institute: Hidden Gems of the Siddur

An introduction to Jewish prayer Even more than the Chumash (Torah), the Siddur is the most ubiquitous of Jewish Books. Everywhere Jews have gone they have taken their prayers, liturgies and Siddurim with them. Unlike the Bible, Jews everywhere and everywhen have been able to add their own materials to Siddur. Unlike the Talmud and […]

Special Friday Night Service — Valentine Shabbat

Come and celebrate Valentine's Day with the KLS Choir led by Rebekka Wedell. There will be a selection of Jewish love songs both religous and secular, in a warm and lighthearted atmosphere, and a special Kiddush. Everyone is invited to a Pre-service 'Taster' singing workshop t 7.15pm as a warm-up to the service! In preparation, […]