Krav Mega (Self-Defence Class)

Weekly 90 min class on most Thursdays 7.00-8.30pm Stay sharp. Be fit. Burn 1000 calories. Look after yourself. Be aware, confident, safe! Burn calories and improve fitness! Adult self-defence classes (Urban Krav Maga) run on most Thursdays at 7pm. First class free – but please book in advance via the office. Krav Maga is great […]



Weekly 90 minute class on most Thursdays 7.00-8.30pm Stay sharp. Be fit. Burn 1000 calories. Look after yourself. Be aware, confident, safe!  Burn calories and improve fitness! Adult self-defence classes (Urban Krav Maga) run on most Thursdays at 7pm. First class free – but please book in advance via the office. Krav Maga is great […]


Table Tennis Club

NFJ Hall

2nd Tuesday of the month from 8-10pm All welcome to join us for a friendly game of table tennis.  We meet monthly, usually on the second Tuesday of the month, at the synagogue in the NFJ Hall.  All ages and all abilities.  The club recently received a new table in celebration of Robert Markless’s tutorship […]

Krav Mega (Self-Defence)

Weekly 90 minute class on most Thursdays 7.00-8.30pm Stay sharp. Be fit. Burn 1000 calories. Look after yourself. Be aware, confident, safe!  Burn calories and improve fitness! Adult self-defence classes (Urban Krav Maga) run on most Thursdays at 7pm. First class free – but please book in advance via the office. Krav Maga is great […]


Krav Mega (Self-Defence)

Weekly 90 minute class on most Thursdays 7.00-8.30pm Stay sharp. Be fit. Burn 1000 calories. Look after yourself. Be aware, confident, safe!  Burn calories and improve fitness! Adult self-defence classes (Urban Krav Maga) run on most Thursdays at 7pm. First class free – but please book in advance via the office. Krav Maga is great […]


Table Tennis Club

Usually 2nd Tuesday of the month from 8-10pm All welcome to join us for a friendly game of table tennis.  We meet monthly, usually on the second Tuesday of the month, at the synagogue in the NFJ Hall.  All ages and all abilities.  The club recently received a new table in celebration of Robert Markless’s […]

Krav Mega. Depending on weather, please check venue for this evening.

Weekly 90 minute class on most Thursdays 7.00-8.30pm Stay sharp. Be fit. Burn 1000 calories. Look after yourself. Be aware, confident, safe!  Burn calories and improve fitness! Adult self-defence classes (Urban Krav Maga) run on most Thursdays at 7pm. First class free – but please book in advance via the office. Krav Maga is great […]


No Krav Mega this evening.

Weekly 90 minute class on most Thursdays 7.00-8.30pm Stay sharp. Be fit. Burn 1000 calories. Look after yourself. Be aware, confident, safe!  Burn calories and improve fitness! Adult self-defence classes (Urban Krav Maga) run on most Thursdays at 7pm. First class free – but please book in advance via the office. Krav Maga is great […]


Krav Mega (Self-Defence) ** 7.30pm this evening **

Weekly 90 minute class on most Thursdays 7.00-8.30pm Stay sharp. Be fit. Burn 1000 calories. Look after yourself. Be aware, confident, safe!  Burn calories and improve fitness! Adult self-defence classes (Urban Krav Maga) run on most Thursdays at 7pm. First class free – but please book in advance via the office. Krav Maga is great […]


Table Tennis Club

NFJ Hall

2nd Tuesday of the month from 8-10pm All welcome to join us for a friendly game of table tennis.  We meet monthly, usually on the second Tuesday of the month, at the synagogue in the NFJ Hall.  All ages and all abilities.  The club recently received a new table in celebration of Robert Markless’s tutorship […]