Legacy Giving to Kingston Liberal Synagogue

Thank you for deciding to leave a legacy to Kingston Liberal Synagogue.

Your generosity will help KLS to continue to build a thriving Liberal Jewish community.

  1. Instructions for signing your Codicil
  2. Model wording to leave a legacy to KLS in your Will
  3. A Codicil to complete in favour of KLS if you already have a Will

If you already have a Will, then you can complete the Codicil yourself by filling in the yellow highlighted blanks in the document below and printing the final document. You should then sign it carefully following the instructions.

If you are making a Will, then include the model clause in your Will or give it to your solicitor to insert in the Will s/he is drafting for you.

For further information please write to:

The Legacy Officer at Kingston Liberal Synagogue
Rushett Road, Long Ditton, Surrey KT17 0UX
Email: office@klsonline.org