KLS Member Lior Locher gives voice to Sarah
Last Shabbat we read the Torah portion Vayera, about the birth of Isaac, and the journey taken by Abraham and Isaac to Mount Moriah for his sacrifice – to be saved at the last minute.
With the focus of the narrative on Abraham and Isaac, KLS member Lior Locher wondered about Sarah during this time – what was she doing and thinking whilst her husband and son were away? In this brilliant reimagining, Lior has written Sarah’s Twitter feed…….
(Originally produced in August 2020 as part of a Liberal Judaism project to give Sarah a voice in the Akeidah)
Sarah’s profile background picture: Unsplash.
All other pictures, manicure, bread and drawings: Lior Locher
Twitter screenshots from twitter.
Text and idea: Lior Locher
Footnotes on PTSD: https://icd.who.int/browse10/2010/en#/F43.1
and on PTSD in children https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Database%20of%20Disaster%20Resources%20(Disasters,%20Crisis,%20and%20Trauma%20Working%20Party%20-%202015).pdf
August 2020 as part of a project by Liberal Judaism to give Sarah a voice in the Akeidah