We welcome Natalia into the Jewish people following her conversion journey
On Saturday 2 July, we celebrated the admission of our member, Natalia, into the Jewish people following the successful completion of her conversion journey.
At KLS we have a vibrant class for those wishing to convert to Judaism. The process typically takes between one and two years and culminates with a visit to the Rabbinic Board of Liberal Judaism (with three Rabbis sitting).
Natalia was born in Costa Rica and came to the UK in 2018. She formally started her conversion journey with KLS in November 2020. However, as she explains:
“I would say that my journey started in 2008 – 2009, I was working as a PA and my boss was Jewish. He is from New York and was studying Kabbalah at the time. Becuase I was his assistant, I got to learn a lot and was very interested in knowing more about Jewish rituals and traditions. I was managing his busy calendar and had to learn to be mindful of the Jewish Holidays. After that, converting was only a dream becuase that was not a possibility in Costa Rica, until I arrived in the UK and discovered the Liberal movement and KLS at only 15 minutes from my front door. It was meant to be!”
Candidates for conversion have to submit two essays. You can read one of Natalia’s essays, The Fearless Girl, here.