Travelling to Prague and the New Golem

An Art Exhibition by KLS member Lior Locher

The Golem is a creature created by river mud brought to life by magic using Hebrew letters in the right combination, created to help and protect the community.
This story has many versions; as stories do; and Lior created her own interpretation of the Golem with her Art. She began to explore the connections between AI and the Golem and used Chat GPT to support her research. Chat GPT is a large language model system where large amounts of data are collected. With free to access information one can ask questions and hold conversations with the system!. (Lior explains more on this and her work process in this video)

Often print making and collaging Lior created a series of artworks for the exhibition. The final piece is a linoprint with writing in marker pen. The image of the Golem is its silhouette towering over the skyline of London. And several landmarks are recognisable.

Lior Locher is a nonbinary mixed-media artist, mainly working in acrylic and collage and printmaking.After having in 6 countries on 4 continents and being homeless at some point, they are nowbased at the English seaside. Their training is in personal development, coaching and therapy, theyare fascinated by people’s inner lives and how we make sense of our own inner journeys as humans,and the inner dynamics and stories we tell ourselves. Art is one way to make that visible.
To purchase her art and learn more about her work please visit her website.