What makes our community unique….
Shana tova u’metukah, may the new Jewish year 5780 be one of fulfilment and happiness, and should you face the inescapable challenges of life, may you have resilience and strength.
I had the immense pleasure to see many congregants at both services, and our first Rosh Hashanah Seder and chavurah supper were a real success. Read more about them here.
I want to thank with all my heart the volunteers that made this happen. I could see KLS at work, and what makes our community rather unique. It is our common good, the place where we all belong.
We are now in the interim period of the Ten Days of Awe. The work that we started on Sunday evening is not over. It actually barely started, and we need all these days to reflect on the past year in order to make the new one an even better and more meaningful one.
Let’s make a big noise – a symphony of Shofarot!
One of the dramatic aspects of the High Holy Days is the blowing of the Shofar. We know it very well from Yom Kippur, as it marks the end of the day and the fast. But did you know that it is blown much more often on Rosh Hashanah? We are supposed to hear one hundred blasts during the day.
I am inviting all who have a Shofar to bring it on Yom Kippur, so we can collectively blow it at the end of the day. This Shabbat, I will lead a session on the meaning of the Shofar and teach how to blow it. Our children who have a Shofar are also invited to bring theirs, so we can learn how to make a big noise out of a symphony of Shofarot!
I am looking forward to seeing everyone in the coming days and weeks, and in the meantime, I wish everyone a great week ahead.